Some pictures of the current status ... to "give you the idea" of....
How much work is still on the sky!
Pictures follow the mainline order , starting from San Francisco down to ....
Palo Alto is actually the "end of the line".
San Francisco probably is the next step and
Santa Clara will follow next

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
2 solution to move points with a servo
experiment Tam Valley Octopus servo Driver from his first version. This have
software that just leave the user to select between some “angle” of movement”
of the servo arm. I have to install hand
laid turnouts that need a strong force to maintain the points in pressure, and
I want a solution that can be installed from the top of the layout, after the
turnouts are already in place…
With this
limitation in mind I select a solution that use the flexibility of the music
wire to provide the necessary strength.
See on this post what I’ve done at the
Then Duncan
( Tam Valley owner) add the Auto-Align software ( this will find automatically
the end-point where the point rail are pushing the side rails)…. I’ve try also
this cards, but find the trick some difficult, at least with my turnouts in N
Now a new
software is loaded in the last Octopus III version, where a “manual adjustment”
is allowed (along with a more comfortable handy keypad! ) and this …. It’s
exactly what I’m waiting!
The “auto”
followed by a “manual” programming have solved all problems and ( also because a
friend have critiqued, and I agree, the visual aspect of the previous
mechanical solution ) I was ready to find a more “traditional” way to install
the servo.
A visit to
the bricolage shop and I take home the proper tool: one aluminum bar of the
same dimensions of the servo!
Here you
can see a video with the two solutions:
Remote DPDT Relay with Y Cable: DY5001 $7.00 USD
2) Place the servo as show inside the bar without the tape
3) Place the moving servo arm without the screw and using the music wire put a point on the aluminum bar leaving the music wire in vertical. “Dremel” a 1mm-1,2mm hole
4) If you’ve already installed the turnout on layout, or the turnout is in a place too difficult to work from bottom , then position the turnout with point opposite to throw bar end where you want the wire and sign the place for the wire hole just in line with the throw bar end. Drill a 3-4 mm hole from top of the plywood.
5) Now using the double tape fit the servo inside the metal bar
6) Bend the music wire to the servo arm as show.
7) Connect to Octopus and position the Center Jumper on CENTER (servo will move the arm in the middle position) . Screw the servo arm to be on line with the 1mm hole.
8) Fit a piece of tape on top of the metal support and From “downunder” ( but without touch the plywood) insert the servo more or less in position. Try to emulate the arm movement to find the best servo position. Push the servo in place.
9) With the arm always in CENTER move also turnouts point to center. As I’ve a copper plate throw bar, I’ve used one thread of electric wire turned on the music wire to make the connection to turnout throw bar and solder to it (use always some flux)
10) Program the Octopus III and enjoy !
Aluminum “U” bar cm1,5 x 1 cm (more or less 4$ for a
meter ) : |___|
(I figured it was better to have metal at the pivot point )
(I figured it was better to have metal at the pivot point )
SG90 Servo with moving arm accessory
( I’ve buy a quantity from : ( use the search field and type SG 90 for some bulk pack at good price: $2,5-3 for >12 pcs.)
( I’ve buy a quantity from : ( use the search field and type SG 90 for some bulk pack at good price: $2,5-3 for >12 pcs.)
Valley also sell for SRV002 $4.95 USD)
Music Wire .032" (available from Tam Valley, but also from LSH
or WallMart)
Strong foam double face tape
Valley “Octopus III” 8xservo driver
card: OCT030 $32.00 USD
Valley Remote Aligner for Octopus III: OCT031 $12.00 USD
Note that Tam Valley have discount prices for
Fascia Controller for use with Quad/Octopus II/Octopus III:
FCB010 $2.50 USDRemote DPDT Relay with Y Cable: DY5001 $7.00 USD
(above pictures
from the Tam Valley web site)
The second
solution: “a la Tortoise”:
1) Cut a piece of 4 cm. from the Aluminum
“U” bar
2) Place the servo as show inside the bar without the tape
3) Place the moving servo arm without the screw and using the music wire put a point on the aluminum bar leaving the music wire in vertical. “Dremel” a 1mm-1,2mm hole
4) If you’ve already installed the turnout on layout, or the turnout is in a place too difficult to work from bottom , then position the turnout with point opposite to throw bar end where you want the wire and sign the place for the wire hole just in line with the throw bar end. Drill a 3-4 mm hole from top of the plywood.
5) Now using the double tape fit the servo inside the metal bar
6) Bend the music wire to the servo arm as show.
7) Connect to Octopus and position the Center Jumper on CENTER (servo will move the arm in the middle position) . Screw the servo arm to be on line with the 1mm hole.
8) Fit a piece of tape on top of the metal support and From “downunder” ( but without touch the plywood) insert the servo more or less in position. Try to emulate the arm movement to find the best servo position. Push the servo in place.
9) With the arm always in CENTER move also turnouts point to center. As I’ve a copper plate throw bar, I’ve used one thread of electric wire turned on the music wire to make the connection to turnout throw bar and solder to it (use always some flux)
10) Program the Octopus III and enjoy !
servo driver
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Start to plan for Operations
Here I want
describe one of the possible path to organize Operations on your layout.
This is the
way I found simple for me, but I understand it can not the same for everybody.
I’m not a Railroad “Pro”, more a modeler that like the Operations and this I’m
sure is reflected on my approach.
That said,
as a modeler… I start from the track plan!
1- Start to Plan your traffic:
Well, not
exactly, as my plan was designed with the fundamental railroad rule in mind:
rail traffic is generated from customers and rail service must have a revenue
to have a reason to be ( as any business adventure, I well know!)
So, after
reading a lot about SP Coast Division ( type of traffic, type of merchandize
delivered, history of some key-industries, history of some key-town along the
route, timeline for main freights types to identify what-was-when, etc….) I’ve
identified some subjects I like to model in the selected era and selected
- cement
traffic from manufacturer to distributor
- perishable
freight traffic with typical car management (cleaning, icing, loading, pre-cooling,
unloading )
- some
wood-chain industries ( not the lumber sawmills on the mountains that are
simulated from staging but furniture makers, building materials resellers , crates
manufacturers …)
- food
treatment chain ( canning , frosting, packing,
stocking, transfer to trucks for door delivery…)
- Chemical
raw materials supply for food treatments and gasoline for
automobiles, oil-derived products for industries and… to run trains motive power
- Express
mail traffic and LCL ( Less –than-Carload package shipping: what in modern time
is UPS-DHL and USPS delivery )
these “Given” in a list was a good
start, and I’ve used this “guideline” to find good names for all industries
along my track plan and “on the outside
world ( the two staging yards )” and design all service tracks ( spurs or
sidings) that will do the jobs.
The result
was something like this document, that shows all main buildings along the path
from San Francisco to San Jose: my modeled section of the Coast Division.
![]() | ||
Buildings list |
2- Shipper / Consignee and Lading list:
Well, after
this, and sourcing from the Customer list referred above, a second document
take shape.
This will
list all customers ( using Excel or any different spreadsheet software give you
the “sort” facility: sort by town, by lading, etc), setting also quantity of
cars they weekly need.
![]() |
Shipper/ Consignee- Lading & Cars count |
If you’re interested
to download this document and use it as form to fill with your data, I’ve put
it in the Google document service as “public” ( no on line editing ) . here the
direct link:
Select “File”
menu and then “Download as..” and select the format you like ( Excel or Open
Office are obviously editable formats).
A good starting
source for Industries names, his location and lading type, can be the OpSIG (Operations
SIG of NMRA) database, that is available at their website,, under “Online Resources,” and then
“Industry Database.”
This sheet will
be the basic document to plan your traffic, unrelated to which method you may select to implement ( Car-Cards
& Waybills. Switchlist, Timetable & TrainOrders, Warrants…. or any of
the “electronic” alternative , JMRI included)
3- Timetable
3- Timetable
speak about this we’ve to prepare another “basic” : a Timetable of the “scheduled”
trains, passengers trains included if you plan to have it. To do this job, I
take as a good start a real Employee Timetable of a relevant year I want model.
For an example of some “vintage” SP Timetables, you can source on my page here:
Here is a
sample ( in progress as you see) of my ETT prepared for my layout:
Again this
is available to download at Google Docs using the same procedure as above:
You see
that I’ve listed regular and “named” trains, both passengers and freights. In
addition to these some 3rd Class “Extras” are generated (randomly or
when the OP session need some “excitement”).
Given the
number of operators my layout will have “normally” , I image to split the daily
time in 4 consecutive OP sessions. Anyway we will define this when the time of
a first “Round Robin” become a reality!
An important "visual" addition using Excel or similar software is the ability to generate a "Traffic diagram". This helps a lot to check train meetings and timings on the line.
Here is a good sample and explanation:
4- “on hand” documents for your crew
An important "visual" addition using Excel or similar software is the ability to generate a "Traffic diagram". This helps a lot to check train meetings and timings on the line.
Here is a good sample and explanation:
4- “on hand” documents for your crew
All these
activities give you an organized basis to step forward with next action:
prepare documents to have “your Railroad running” in a prototyped simulation.
traditional choices, as said, are:
- Car
Card & Waybills
an attractive prototypal approach to Waybills can be found on Tony Thompson’s blog:
an attractive prototypal approach to Waybills can be found on Tony Thompson’s blog:
- Switchlists
For example of this approach see the Robert Bowlidge site :
For example of this approach see the Robert Bowlidge site :
- Track
see for explanation the Carsten S.Lundsten site:
see for explanation the Carsten S.Lundsten site:
Any of
these methods have sustainer or detractors, but I want to describe in a next
post an alternative I want to follow ( at least as my first option ) given my inexperience
in car traffic planning: I want try to use the Operation section of JMRI , a
freeware software that maybe some of you know ( and use?) to program you DCC
decoders or display CTC panels.
JMRI Operation
description is here :
So, wait ‘till
I find some time to drop another update here!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Locate and name correctly: partial plan review
Well friends, one of my worry was always the not
correct position of the Menlo Park and Redwood Junction along the line and also
the toy like shape of the industrial area at Redwood. So, taking advantage of
my now steady lacks of time to advance in track laying …. ( you remember the
declared strike of the road gang on my last post here ) , I fire back the
layout design software and ….. here are the results:
Shift Redwood and
Menlo to his correct position along the line !
A better ( at least
so it seems to me ) spurs layouts for some industries that will provide some
challenge to switch and a more “railroady” feeling of the entire scene in
Redwood Jct.
Browsing some old
mails from friends discussing candidates for industries at each location ( and
a big “thanks” to Robert Bowdidge suggestions about the area ) I start again
more Internet research for good names.
I ended to define all
industries located in my industrial “park” and find several pictures of each.
Also I’ve relocated
the diverging point of the Los Altos branch adding some more length to train
As a freelance
choice, and ‘cause I always want to have a Winery in some place, I select the
Rossetti Bros. ( really on the Santa Cruz Hills ) and place it on the branch.
As aside advantage
Menlo Depot is now in a better location near the layout edge, to become a
key-point to identify the scene and my Coast Line portion.
So, now, avoiding the
previous switchback, unrealistic curves, I have a smooth ladder layout for 4
Railroad customer, and a correct prototypical sequence of location! Not bad, I
What all this means is this next weekend have to
devoted to scrap away the already in position cork ( from the “old” Menlo” to
Palo Alto ) and lay down the new roadbed!
Here you see the design “before the cure” and “after
the medicine”:
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Spare updates
A little update for the few visitor here "waiting" some news from the Valley.
As already said I can't find so much time as I want to progress of a significant step, so again I force me to find half an hour someday when I can .... and put my hand on "light projects".
Slow progress is still progress.
I've install some decoders in my steam power ( all Soundtraxx Tsunami 750 , but in one case I was not able to fit more than a Digitraxx non-sound in the Model Power Mogul, and I must say was very funny to see the loco moving without any noise! )
Aside this I've in order two Locksound Select micro : have hear good and bad about this decoder but the price ( more or less 80 bucks) and dimensions ( a bit less than the Tsunami ) seems interesting: we see when I've it on hand.
Also have installed a pair of Brass Key Import F7's ( a Lenz silver in A unit, and a Tsunami with the proper 567 engine in the B ) so have also the possibility to run a Freight with these sweet Blackwidows! Here a picture of the couple:
Layout Plan
Got a little review of the plan in two parts:
San Francisco: elimination of two Double Slip without lose the feeling of the original design. Now I've just 4 Double slip to make ( I've already done two!) . Repositioned two turnouts on the Turntable entry to have a better flow for trains composition during Op sessions. Also definitely abandoned the idea of a working Why at Potrero. The space available need a too tight curve to fit and too much work to handlay the needed crossing and turnouts to mainline. So I've dropped all freights departure from Mission Bay staging and it will service to food the Kings Road yard and warehouses, from where freight trains will start his trip to south. Just a short piece of track end near the tower and I think to leave some ties and rail on the ground to resemble a renew of track layout. Some "little" workers will be a good subject for a different scene when time will arrive.
Menlo Park - Redwood: Redesign of the industrial spurs with one switchback ( despite I don't love this configuration) to fit one industry more.
Here the two Mods:
As already said I can't find so much time as I want to progress of a significant step, so again I force me to find half an hour someday when I can .... and put my hand on "light projects".
Slow progress is still progress.
I've install some decoders in my steam power ( all Soundtraxx Tsunami 750 , but in one case I was not able to fit more than a Digitraxx non-sound in the Model Power Mogul, and I must say was very funny to see the loco moving without any noise! )
Aside this I've in order two Locksound Select micro : have hear good and bad about this decoder but the price ( more or less 80 bucks) and dimensions ( a bit less than the Tsunami ) seems interesting: we see when I've it on hand.
Also have installed a pair of Brass Key Import F7's ( a Lenz silver in A unit, and a Tsunami with the proper 567 engine in the B ) so have also the possibility to run a Freight with these sweet Blackwidows! Here a picture of the couple:
Layout Plan
Got a little review of the plan in two parts:
San Francisco: elimination of two Double Slip without lose the feeling of the original design. Now I've just 4 Double slip to make ( I've already done two!) . Repositioned two turnouts on the Turntable entry to have a better flow for trains composition during Op sessions. Also definitely abandoned the idea of a working Why at Potrero. The space available need a too tight curve to fit and too much work to handlay the needed crossing and turnouts to mainline. So I've dropped all freights departure from Mission Bay staging and it will service to food the Kings Road yard and warehouses, from where freight trains will start his trip to south. Just a short piece of track end near the tower and I think to leave some ties and rail on the ground to resemble a renew of track layout. Some "little" workers will be a good subject for a different scene when time will arrive.
Menlo Park - Redwood: Redesign of the industrial spurs with one switchback ( despite I don't love this configuration) to fit one industry more.
Here the two Mods:
Tracks and Servo installation
The mainline have suffer a "steady stop", unfortunately in Menlo Park! Southern Pacific is pushing the gang to restart the work and seems some agreement is on signature.... SP officer refer maybe after Eastern the gang leave Menlo to south.... we will see.
I've anyway make some progress in the servo installation of turnouts in Menlo Park and I will upload here some pictures of the progress. soon.
Later, friends, for now
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Tracks reach Burlingame... again?
Well, in fact tracks are already layed here, and trains have already take a trip along the (future) eucalyptus row…. But the train crew claims for an unknow reason …. to have some way to be able to switch the mainline turnouts ! So Espee have to send a “specialist” there to solve this stupid problem.
Well, he uses a lot of wire, a lot of patience, and this is the result: a new panel ( “unfortunately for the purist … incorporating the “underground” section to Mission Yard: a “mystic” yard that a “legend” position in a different place … )
Here we can see a part of this “under world” where ( to mantain alive the myth… ) a strange but very effective illumination provided by … Christmass tree LEDs…. give a fogless vision to all Engineers searching the correct parking track!
See you at next Flag-stop!
Well, he uses a lot of wire, a lot of patience, and this is the result: a new panel ( “unfortunately for the purist … incorporating the “underground” section to Mission Yard: a “mystic” yard that a “legend” position in a different place … )

Here we can see a part of this “under world” where ( to mantain alive the myth… ) a strange but very effective illumination provided by … Christmass tree LEDs…. give a fogless vision to all Engineers searching the correct parking track!
![]() |
The entry of the "Under World" at Mission Bay |
![]() | ||
Curved turnouts |
“Iron spike” ceremony at Bayshore-Visitacion
Here again: news from the “track gang”…
Bayshore tunnel and Visitacion Ice facility received at the end all his tracks and the “gang” installed also all turnouts, servos and wired a “decent” switch panel.
At this point the main goal was to have the line working and trains rolling, and I’ve take a “short path” to implement the panel from the planned one:
Panel was made using 5 mm Forex, then I drill all holes for the Tam Valley Fascia controllers, installed all board and wires and lastly I print the panel on 120 grams paper ( using 3rdPlanit) , drill holes with a paper hollow punch and …. That’s all, folks!
To drive the turnouts servo ( see a previous post on this blog ) I use Tam Valley Octopus card.
The last Duncan’s firmware was very good, and the automatic search of the end-point is working very well, given the Fasttracks turnouts need a hard push to points rails.
My only disappointment was the practical useless of this feature when I’ve try to command two turnouts with the same output ( as in crossovers ).
But I “guess” is my fault given my “imperfect” handmade turnouts have different tolerances.
Well, I use one-to-one commands: this just need some additional attention from the crew, but maybe add some more prototypical fashion to the game: switch each turnout one at time and pay attention to the next in the path.
The gang was send to Burlingame for the next upgrade of the line!
Bayshore tunnel and Visitacion Ice facility received at the end all his tracks and the “gang” installed also all turnouts, servos and wired a “decent” switch panel.
![]() |
North end : tunnel exit |
![]() |
South end |
Panel was made using 5 mm Forex, then I drill all holes for the Tam Valley Fascia controllers, installed all board and wires and lastly I print the panel on 120 grams paper ( using 3rdPlanit) , drill holes with a paper hollow punch and …. That’s all, folks!
To drive the turnouts servo ( see a previous post on this blog ) I use Tam Valley Octopus card.
The last Duncan’s firmware was very good, and the automatic search of the end-point is working very well, given the Fasttracks turnouts need a hard push to points rails.
My only disappointment was the practical useless of this feature when I’ve try to command two turnouts with the same output ( as in crossovers ).
But I “guess” is my fault given my “imperfect” handmade turnouts have different tolerances.
Well, I use one-to-one commands: this just need some additional attention from the crew, but maybe add some more prototypical fashion to the game: switch each turnout one at time and pay attention to the next in the path.
The gang was send to Burlingame for the next upgrade of the line!
The born of a twins couple
Hello friends,
ultimately I’ve not post any progress …. as I’ve not see really relevant progresses!
BUT …. As already stated, ultimately I can’t have a complete day to spend on the hobby, so I’ve adopted a little steps policy, and here is an update, at the end!
A “twins” couple: handmade double crossover
I’ve plan to use a couple of these combination along the right of way : one in SF before the curve at Mission and the second on the entry to Newhall ( Santa Clara ) yard.I must say “nothing complicated” (as the double slip, for instance) but not trivial for sure, despite the use of FastTracks jig. The trick adopted to make two sections and then combine them .... well, maybe because it's the first, but made me sweat a bit! FastTracks instructions are “very HO pointed” .
Obviously the photos are on a just completed item, I still need to paint the sleepers and rails, but I hope to give you the idea anyway.
Well, next upgrade have take place at Bayshore-Visitacion .... Follow me :)
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